是次春拍,「亞洲二十世紀及當代藝術部」呈現(xiàn)逾95件作品,當中,我們循藝術史的角度、融合市場發(fā)展脈絡,特別策劃了兩個專題。其一為「與大師對話」,匯集東西方九位藝術巨擘的精彩作品,以饗藏家。當中以中國四大校長之一的杭州藝專創(chuàng)辦人林風眠為首,呈現(xiàn)其三件來源有序的經典風景、仕女、動物主題代表作。以及蘇州美專校長暨中國寫實主義代表人物——顏文梁完成于1979年,曾代表他參加上?!溉珖噳髱焺游锎笳埂梗瑲鈩萑f千的珍罕動物主題巨制《奔馬》和恬靜光燦的風景創(chuàng)作《幽林》;與關良首次現(xiàn)身市場,體現(xiàn)「大巧以拙」、「油畫民族化」精神的《長耕不輟》、《戲劇人物?挑滑車》;丁衍庸難得一見的珍稀宗教題材、大膽濃烈,富個人情味的雙面畫《交腳菩薩》;旅美華人朱沅芷明媚生動,描繪初春的30年代大尺幅《公園漫步(索邦神學院廣場)》;以及華人抽象大師趙無極完成于1951年,出自瑞士著名藝評家暨出版商賈克梅第(Nesto Jacometti)舊藏的《無題》,與其瑰麗雄奇、氣象萬千,展現(xiàn)豁達人生心緒與深厚東方精神的重磅巨作《25.06.86 桃花源》;及朱德群借古開今,跌宕昂揚的磅礡巨構《構圖第57號》。精彩可期!
This Spring, the Asian 20th Century and Contemporary Art Department will present more than 95 works, divided into two special themes that combine art history and market development. The first one is entitled “A Dialogue with Masters” and brings together exquisite works by nine Eastern and Western masters, presenting collectors with a veritable artistic feast. Of key interest are three classic works by Lin Fengmian, one of the “top four college principals in Chinese history” and founder of Hangzhou Art Academy. There are also two paintings by Yan Wenliang, former principal of Suzhou Art Academy and Chinese realist painter - the imposing and rare animal motif Running Horses which featured at the “Shanghai National Exhibition of Animal Depictions by Chinese Artists” and the tranquil landscape work Forest, both completed in 1979. Two works by Guan Liang will be offered at auction for the first time, namely Landscape and Opera Figures, both exemplary of the artist’s great humility and Chinese-style application of oil painting. Ding Yanyong’s rare double-sided painting Bodhisattva, with its cherished religious motif, is bold, powerful and imbued with personal sentiments. Another attraction is Chinese-American artist Zhu Yuanzhi’s (also known as Yun Gee) bright and vivid portrayal of early spring in Woman and Child Walking in Park (Sorbonne Square, Paris), an imposing work painted in the 1930s. Two other paintings by Chinese abstract master Zao Wou-Ki will be offered. Untitled, which was completed in 1951 and kept for years by his good friend and Swiss publisher Nesto Jacometti, and the magnificent masterpiece 25.06.86, which gives voice to an open-minded view of human emotions and the depth of the Eastern spirit. In contrast, Chu Teh-Chun’s free and high-spirited masterpiece Composition No. 57, uses the past to reflect on the present.
For collectors interested in Western paintings, Roches et Cascade, a moving hometown scene by 19th-Century realist painter Gustave Courbet, together with Zinnias Bouquet by Bernard Buffet will be offered. These works highlight the artistic inspirations that moved Eastern and Western painters alike, while showcasing the unique styles of individual artists and the dialogue between works from different eras.
The second special theme is “Body Language”. By showcasing how artists from different places and times interpret human figures, this curated session highlights the changing aesthetics and focus on the unique perspective of each artist. This is a dialogue informed by the works of Tsuguharu Foujita, Luo Zhongli, Hoo Mojoo, Walassse Ting, Yoshitomo Nara, Huang Yuxing, Chen Fei and Philippine artist Ronald Ventura. Many of these works have never appeared at auction, making this a perfect opportunity for art collectors to add new treasures to their collections.
油彩 畫布
Zao Wou-Ki
Painted in 1986
Oil on canvas
195 × 130 cm.
油彩 畫布
Chu Teh-Chun
Composition No.57
Painted in 1960
Oil on canvas
127 × 96 cm.
彩墨 紙本
Lin Fengmian
Lady with Mirror
Painted in 1965
Ink and colour on paper
68.5 × 68.5 cm.
油彩 畫布
Gustave Courbet
Roches et Cascade
Painted in 1866
Oil on canvas
63.5 × 44.5 cm.
壓克力彩 畫布
Yoshitomo Nara
This is How it Feels When Your Words Means Nothing at All
Painted in 1995
Acrylic on canvas
51 × 40 cm.
油彩 畫布
Zhou Chunya
Kahn and Xi'er
Painted in 2007
Oil on canvas
149 × 120 cm.