油彩 畫布
The Baihua Mountain in the outskirts of Beijing is very high, so the temperature on the top is very low. In May, the peach blossoms at the mountain foot had long since faded, but up here they had just blossomed. I was slowly exploring the forest, and I suddenly found a large pile of snow, resembling a source of a mountain stream. As it was surrounded by the dark forest, it seemed extraordinarily white. This whiteness was somewhat lonely, as if the spring forgot it, a leftover from the winter.
— Wu Guanzhong, Forgetful Snow
Wu Guanzhong’s life creation represents a microcosm of the modern Chinese art development in the 20th century. From 1947 to 1950, he studied art in France in the école nationale supérieure des beaux-arts, and during that time, he was inspired by the bold and strong expression of Western Impressionist masters. Previously, while at the National Hangzhou Academy of Art, he had accepted the concept of blending the best of both East and West, and this experience had allowed him to start his life-long exploration of formal aesthetics in his later practice.
In 1991, he was made an Officier of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French Ministry of Culture. One year later, he succeeded in breaking the British Museum’s convention of only displaying historical pieces and became the first living artist to hold a solo exhibition there. In 2000, he became the first Asian artist awarded the Medaille des Arts et Lettres by the Académie des Beaux-Arts in the Institut de France. Throughout his life, he had published more than 70 art criticism essays, and the artistic proposition he put forward had laid the foundation for the nationalization of Chinese oil painting and had exerted an inestimable influence on the academic development of modern Chinese art.
Wu Guanzhong created four works titled Forgetful Snow. The first two were small sketches by ink oil and ink. The Forgetful Snow featured in this auction was created later, and it captures the essence of the two previous paintings. It clearly demonstrates that in the 1990s, Wu had reached the peak of his artistic career, both in oil and ink painting. In 1997, Wu once again painted Forgetful Snow, this time with colour ink, and then he donated the work into the collection of the Singapore Art Museum. This proves his special sentiment toward this theme and the work’s high artistic value.
In recent years, Wu Guanzhong’s large-scale oil paintings have been rare in the art market. This painting, included in the artist’s complete works and many important publications, focuses on the main style of Wu’s practice in the 1990s. In 1999 when it was completed, Wu personally selected this piece to participate in the large-scale, solo “Wu Guanzhong Art Exhibition” held by the National Art Museum of China. It was the first solo exhibition of a living artist officially held by the Ministry of Culture and an important milestone in the history of Chinese contemporary art. After that, the work was purchased by an overseas collector, and after 17 years, this work is now being featured in the autumn auction of China Guardian Hong Kong, a chance the collectors cannot miss!
Serene Mood: The Combination of Oil and Ink
Compared with the previous sketch and the later ink work stored in the Singapore Art Museum, this Forgetful Snow is more concise in composition. The large area created using the flat-coating technique shows a similar artistic appeal to Early Spring by Northern Song (960–1127) painter Guo Xi. Wu used heavy oil on small details to create visual layering, reminiscent of the light and shadow changes present in Claude Monet’s Water Lilies. As such, he was able to give the two-dimensional snow a three-dimensional lighting effect.
This work is also more simplified in terms of colour use. The artist uses techniques similar to ink painting and expresses mountains, trees, flowers, stones, and other objects on the canvas in a way close to abstraction, indicating the serene mood he was able to achieve in old age.
Always True to His Original Pursuit
In traditional Chinese aesthetics, snow has always been a common theme among the literati, and Wu Guanzhong had always had a sentiment toward it. Throughout his life, he constantly explored the beauty of snow and created classic works such as Landscape of Northern China (1973) and Snowscape in Beijing (1975). Such became the epitome of his personal artistic pursuit.
In Forgetful Snow, the artist arranges the snow that should have melted as the protagonist of the picture, forming a stark contrast with the warm weather in May. The word forgetful expresses an old man’s attachment to the past and embodies the expression of “emotions hidden in the form”. While revealing the beauty of the lonely pile of snow, the artist shows the vitality of the surrounding plants and the breath of the coming spring to encourage himself not to worry about being forgotten. When one sees the eternal charm presented on the picture, one seems to hear Wu’s pledge to art and beauty: “If life could start again, I would still look for the beauty of nature.”
吳冠中的一生體現(xiàn)了二十世紀(jì)中國現(xiàn)代美術(shù)的發(fā)展進(jìn)程。他于1947至1950年間赴法求藝,在巴黎國立高等美術(shù)學(xué)校(école nationale supérieure des beaux-arts)學(xué)習(xí)時(shí)受西方印象派大師大膽、強(qiáng)烈的表現(xiàn)形式啟發(fā),結(jié)合此前在杭州藝專所接受的“東西融合”的藝術(shù)理念滋養(yǎng),開啟一生“他山之石,可以攻玉”的形式美學(xué)探索之路;在承接其導(dǎo)師林風(fēng)眠二十世紀(jì)之初對于中國水墨畫的現(xiàn)代性革新的基礎(chǔ)上,于70年代展開對“形式美”與“抽象美”的深入研究,不遺余力的推動(dòng)中國現(xiàn)代繪畫的觀念革新,成為二十世紀(jì)中國美術(shù)向現(xiàn)代轉(zhuǎn)型的進(jìn)程中最令人尊敬的先行者。
90年代,吳冠中走出國門,以兼具“水、油、墨”、“灰、白、黑”、 “畫、文、詩”三個(gè)“三方凈土”、個(gè)性鮮明、深具東方寫意內(nèi)蘊(yùn)的風(fēng)景繪畫名揚(yáng)國際,于1991年獲法國文化部授予“法國文藝最高勛位”,來年,更成功打破大英博物館只展古代文物的慣例,成為獲邀舉辦個(gè)人畫展的在世藝術(shù)家第一人,并在2000年成為首位獲選法蘭西學(xué)院藝術(shù)院通訊院士殊榮的亞洲藝術(shù)家。
—— 吳冠中
吳冠中《春雪》油彩 畫布 135×85cm,1979年作,中國國家博物館典藏
吳冠中曾在《繪畫的形式美》一文中強(qiáng)調(diào)“美感之產(chǎn)生多半緣于形象結(jié)構(gòu)或色彩組織的藝術(shù)效果”。《遺忘的雪》便以凝練的用色進(jìn)一步突顯純凈靜美的畫面氣氛。吳冠中喜用“白”,稱其為最美的顏色,故“白墻”、 “白雪”成為其筆下最具代表性的元素?!哆z忘的雪》中,畫面中央的大片積雪彷佛中國山水畫中的留白,既有寫景之用,呈雪的皓白純潔之色;又作抽象意境的傳達(dá),展“白”的空靈純凈之美。與80年代其筆下“江南白墻”中的大面積薄質(zhì)平涂的“白”不同,《遺忘的雪》中,藝術(shù)家在積雪上、中、下方均迭加了數(shù)筆厚重筆觸,形成色階變化的光影效果,以及起伏跌宕的肌理質(zhì)感。白雪之白中,油彩的綿密遞變,傳遞出生命流動(dòng)的節(jié)奏,“虛而不虛”之間,將風(fēng)景提升至美感的高妙層次,透射出澄明通透的精神意境。
環(huán)繞白雪的山林被藝術(shù)家意象的以灰色調(diào)鋪就,突顯其90年代喜用灰、白營造虛實(shí)、明暗對比的習(xí)慣,亦在視覺上制造出疏密張力、形成積雪與山林俯視效果的縱深地勢。褐黃的大地色調(diào)在灰與綠中若隱若現(xiàn)的調(diào)和過渡,制造出山中尚處半夢半醒、曖昧涌動(dòng)的春意。遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)觀望,此刻冬雪靜白、春柳微綠、遠(yuǎn)山偏青,濕潤的堤岸帶生褐色,彼此間的色彩融洽和諧。枝頭疏疏的嫩柳、湖岸角落自雪中冒生的新綠,被藝術(shù)家以草綠的簡筆帶出;初冒新芽的各色花蕊,則通過明黃、翠綠、朱紅、嫩粉色彩點(diǎn)抽象式的鑲嵌,形成如康丁斯基(Wassily Kandinsky)抽象畫中的色律動(dòng)感,傳遞出生命覺醒的活力,細(xì)節(jié)處側(cè)觀出吳冠中“風(fēng)箏不斷線”的核心藝術(shù)價(jià)值觀。
吳冠中《遺忘的雪》 油彩 畫布 51×61cm,1996年作,私人收藏
與寫生稿和此后新加坡美術(shù)館所藏的水墨作品相較,本件《遺忘的雪》在構(gòu)圖上更為洗練,既在大面積平涂的技法中深得如北宋大師郭熙《早春圖》中山水深遠(yuǎn)、寒林虛空的要領(lǐng),又在局部細(xì)節(jié)處利用油彩肌理打造視覺層次,打造出莫內(nèi)(Claude Monet)《睡蓮》中的光影變化,在平面的虛實(shí)之中加入三維空間的疏密映襯,締造出白花山間深邃幽靜與積雪新綠氣韻交融的空靈畫境,可謂動(dòng)靜結(jié)合,渾然天成。
吳冠中《遺忘的雪》 彩墨 紙本 91×100cm,1997年作,新加坡美術(shù)館典藏
“雪”在中國傳統(tǒng)美學(xué)中一直是文人墨客吟詠的對象 ,吳冠中更是對“雪”情有獨(dú)鐘,謂其是難得的形式和內(nèi)容統(tǒng)一的美之構(gòu)成,更是中國審美意識中“寫景融情”的最佳載體,他一生不斷挖掘“雪”的形式美,留下如《北國風(fēng)光》(1973)、《春雪》(1979)等諸多美術(shù)史經(jīng)典,成為其個(gè)人藝術(shù)追求的理想化身。
令人不禁聯(lián)想到同為東方風(fēng)景大師的日本藝術(shù)家東山魁夷(Kaii Higashiyama)晚年筆下幽曠靜謐的山峽雪景。然而在《遺忘的雪》中,吳冠中結(jié)合中國傳統(tǒng)繪畫講求的“外師造化,中得心源”,在展露白雪落寂之美的同時(shí),更用暗蘊(yùn)四周的生命力及春的氣息,傳達(dá)自我擁抱、釋懷“遺忘”的感悟,他將“雪”于畫中凝固為永恒的靜美,亦如其對“美”永不停歇的追尋。