Only an extremely small portion of all diamonds mined every year are coloured diamonds. Their rarity lures seasoned collectors, who are knowledgeable about the quality, price and market and would seize every opportunity to collect these exquisite gems. The apparent imbalances in demand and supply of these precious coloured diamonds bring about the rational surge of the price, while high-quality stones often fetch extraordinary prices at auction.
This autumn, China Guardian (Hong Kong) is proud to introduce "The Fire of Hope – The Ember Diamond", an Exceptional 1.26-carat Reddish-Orange Diamond and Diamond Ring. In 2010, the present diamond was certified by GIA as the largest reddish-orange diamond ever. This exquisite gem was mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa – one of the largest diamond sources in the world in the past few decades since geologists inadvertently discovered them a century ago while searching for mineral resources. They believed that these exquisite stones had been crystalised in the Earth's mantle around 63 million years ago, and were subsequently delivered to the surface by volcanic eruptions. Such long and arduous formation process gives birth to the most magnificent and truly unique and natural reddish-orange diamond on offer. Boasting such extraordinary qualities, The Ember Diamond is in the league of its own!
Equally enchanting is an impressive 3.01-carat Internally Flawless Greenish Blue Diamond, Pink Diamond and Diamond Ring. Blue diamonds inherit their colour from the trace element boron , and often contain modifying hues of grey and green. The primary source of blue diamonds is the Cullinan Mine (formerly known as the Premier Mine) – the largest mine in Africa. Smithsonian American Art Museum estimates that only one in 200,000 diamonds carries the blue hue which captivate diamond lovers and jewellery connoisseurs alike, contributing to the astronomical prices of blue diamonds fetched at auctions worldwide. The present diamond on offer is truly a rare gem as it boasts 3.01 carats even after being cut and polished. It bears the rarest colours, green and blue, amongst coloured diamonds and Internally Flawless (IF) clarity, the highest clarity grading after Flawless, making it an exceptionally superlative gem that would be a valuable addition to any collection.
這次秋拍,中國嘉德(香港)特別呈獻一枚珍罕1.26克拉天然彩紅橘色鉆石配鉆石戒指──“希望之火”(The Ember)。此鉆乃于2010年獲GIA評定為最大的“紅橘色”鉆石?!跋M稹眮碓醋苑侵迍偣?,該地近幾十年來一直是世界上最大的鉆石生產(chǎn)國之一。尋找礦藏的地質(zhì)學(xué)家在一個世紀(jì)前意外地發(fā)現(xiàn)了它們,并認為這些鉆石在大約6,300萬年前在地殼的下部深處結(jié)晶,后來通過火山爆發(fā)被迅速帶到地表。這一過程的艱巨性及其所需的漫長歲月,讓我們對這顆產(chǎn)自大自然的彩紅橘色鉆石發(fā)出由心的贊嘆!擁有如此扎實的來歷,躋身高端珠寶之列毫無置疑!
本季,另一件重點彩鉆拍品為3.01克拉天然彩綠藍色內(nèi)部無瑕鉆石配粉紅色鉆石及鉆石戒指。藍鉆的顏色來源于鉆石內(nèi)蘊含硼元素,常伴有灰色及綠色副色。藍鉆原礦位于非洲最大的Premier礦脈,根據(jù)美國史密森尼自然歷史博物館估計, 在200,000顆鉆石中僅有一顆帶藍色色調(diào)。這種特殊的色彩令眾多的鉆石愛好者和珠寶鑒賞家垂涎,亦在國際拍賣市場屢創(chuàng)天價。以藍鉆的稀缺程度,經(jīng)打磨后仍有3.01克拉,相當(dāng)難得,而且這顆鉆石是為彩綠藍色,藍和綠都是彩鉆最珍貴稀有的顏色。加上自然界中完美無瑕的寶石實為鳳毛麟角,這顆鉆石凈度達到內(nèi)部無瑕,僅次于無瑕的最高級別,實在可遇不可求!